Grass Carp Life Cycle Animated Video // Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Awareness Corpo Documentary Government of Canada Nature Science

This animated video was produced as part of a presentation on Asian Carp, created for Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s Asian Carp Prevention Team. Its goal is to help audiences better understand the life cycle of the invasive Grass Carp. Using custom illustrations, motion graphics, and animation, our video production brings this aquatic species’ […]

Doug Howlett: The Last Days of the Crab Price Negotiation // FFAW | UNIFOR

Awareness Corpo Documentary Interviews Portrait

Set in Petty Harbour, Newfoundland, the film follows Doug Howlett, a local fisherman, as he shares his personal journey, the challenges of the industry, and the impact of increasing corporate control over fish processing. KÖBB Media produced this documentary-style video for the Fish, Food & Allied Workers (FFAW), capturing a pivotal moment in […]

Protecting Whale Habitats in the St. Lawrence Estuary // Fisheries and Oceans Canada

2023 - 2024
Aerial Awareness Documentary Government of Canada Landscapes Nature Science

The St. Lawrence Estuary: A Vital Habitat for Whales, Seen from Above and Below KÖBB Media was mandated by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) to produce a short documentary about the St. Lawrence Estuary and the conservation efforts being made there. This unique ecosystem is a sanctuary for iconic marine […]

Alicia Warford: A Young Voice in Newfoundland’s Fishing Industry // FFAW | UNIFOR

Aerial Corpo Documentary Interviews Nature Portrait

Welcome to KÖBB Production’s latest video produced for the FFAW Unifor, a captivating glimpse into the life of Alicia Warford, a promising young fish harvester based out of Petty Harbour, Newfoundland and Labardor, Canada. In this video, we dive into Alicia’s journey, her aspirations, and the dedication she brings to the fishery.